Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Press Release Re: April 24, 2010 March in Little Armenia Organized by Unified Young Armenians (UYA)
For Immediate Release ~ 2010-05-30
For Further Information Contact Aroutin Hartounian ~ Tel. 818.971.5065
On the 95th year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, on April 24, 2010, the Armenian community of the southern California, and the Armenians worldwide witnessed the greatest show of real unity in Little Armenia, Hollywood. Tens of thousands of Armenians and non-Armenians, united in spirit of truth and historical justice, marched and screamed in such a loud voice that even the deafest World leaders would have heard us.
This year as well as the past years, regardless of centuries old differences within the political establishment, the more recent divides based on the Armenian-Turkish protocols and politics of the homeland, and even more importantly, the fierce political campaigns in the community, the march brought together the community under one single banner: As Armenians demanding the leaders of the World to have the courage to call the events of 1915 to 1923 a Genocide.
From the Archbishops representing the two Armenian Sees to the candidates from the 43rd California Assembly race, from the members and supporters of the Armenian National Congress (the political opposition in Armenia) to the Armenian Consul General in Los Angeles, from the supporters of the protocols, to those who rightly opposed it, everyone was there. Regardless of their socio-political belongings, Armenians coming from every corner of the World, found it to be their national duty to take part in the march in Little Armenia.
This success is owed to the moral and financial support, and more importantly to the participation of the members of the Armenian community who have believed in Unified Young Armenians (UYA) and the mission which it pursues. The community must feel proud that it is the driving force behind this decade old independent force which dares to head-on tackle the numerous and colossal problems of our Nation. Through their support and participation, the community has given us the mandate to continue to remain independent and to continue organize the most populous Armenian Genocide commemoration event in the history of the Diaspora. It is with such a mandate which we continue our work. It is with this mandate which UYA aims to see beyond the disappointing and artificial divisions within the community. It is with this mandate which we will seek to remedy such divisions. It is this mandate that allows us to unify the community on every April 24th and beyond.
While the mission is noble and the challenges numerous, from time to time, we are stunned by the pitiful and contemptible political maneuvers of the establishment, who under the veil of national unity and national cause, take every opportunity imaginable to overtly question Unified Young Armenians, our mission, and our ideals. One such unfortunate and pitiful maneuver took place on April 24th, the day on which we mourned the death of over 1.5 million of our forefathers. On April 24th, in Little Armenia, from the stage and the podium which was entrusted to them by Unified Young Armenians (UYA), in front of tens of thousands of people, the establishment found it wise to question the wisdom of the UYA in recognizing the need for unity; the very ideal which we have dedicated ourselves, our programs, and our events, of which the April 24th march, has become the symbol of a united community for the last ten years.
Since 2001, UYA has done everything possible in its power to end the divides and further the cause of unity. And in this matter, rather than making empty public overtures, we took practical steps. At the April 24th marches, and in various events, UYA has hosted speakers such as George Abelian, Harout Sassounian, Harut Ter-Davtian, Hovanness Balaian, Stepan Hovagimian, and many others. Just last year, for the April 24th event, we extended an invitation to the three traditional political parties. We participated in telethons aiming at helping the orphan children in Armenia, providing funding for surgeries of Artsakh war veterans, or saving Armenian newspapers from closure. Our history is clear. So is our conscious.
But neither a clear history and conscious, nor the selfless work of over a decade, prevented the establishment from using the stage entrusted to them by UYA, to attack us; and do so on April 24th. No doubt, as experience has proved it to be true, the community will once again have the wisdom to see through such political maneuvers. Those institutions that will condone such a move will also be judged accordingly by a vigilant and attentive Armenian community.
Unified Young Armenians (UYA) will continue to remain true to its ideals. We will continue to remain fully independent regardless of pressures, attacks, or political maneuvers. Our loyalty has always been, and will continue to remain with our cause, and we will only answer and be responsible to our people. No organization, political party, committee, or individual will dictate the moves of Unified Young Armenians. This has been true for the last decade and will continue to remain such.
For the sake of the past, and sake of the future, regardless of the pitiful and unsound criticism which from time to time comes our way, we still continue to believe in good faith dealing, cooperation, mutual respect, and unity. It is based on these ideals, that we will continue working towards a unified community. We will continue our work for the sake of the unjust past imposed upon our people, and for the sake of a more unified and brighter future which still awaits us.
Executive Committee,
Unified Young Armenians (UYA)
For Immediate Release ~ 2010-05-30
For Further Information Contact Aroutin Hartounian ~ Tel. 818.971.5065
On the 95th year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, on April 24, 2010, the Armenian community of the southern California, and the Armenians worldwide witnessed the greatest show of real unity in Little Armenia, Hollywood. Tens of thousands of Armenians and non-Armenians, united in spirit of truth and historical justice, marched and screamed in such a loud voice that even the deafest World leaders would have heard us.
This year as well as the past years, regardless of centuries old differences within the political establishment, the more recent divides based on the Armenian-Turkish protocols and politics of the homeland, and even more importantly, the fierce political campaigns in the community, the march brought together the community under one single banner: As Armenians demanding the leaders of the World to have the courage to call the events of 1915 to 1923 a Genocide.
From the Archbishops representing the two Armenian Sees to the candidates from the 43rd California Assembly race, from the members and supporters of the Armenian National Congress (the political opposition in Armenia) to the Armenian Consul General in Los Angeles, from the supporters of the protocols, to those who rightly opposed it, everyone was there. Regardless of their socio-political belongings, Armenians coming from every corner of the World, found it to be their national duty to take part in the march in Little Armenia.
This success is owed to the moral and financial support, and more importantly to the participation of the members of the Armenian community who have believed in Unified Young Armenians (UYA) and the mission which it pursues. The community must feel proud that it is the driving force behind this decade old independent force which dares to head-on tackle the numerous and colossal problems of our Nation. Through their support and participation, the community has given us the mandate to continue to remain independent and to continue organize the most populous Armenian Genocide commemoration event in the history of the Diaspora. It is with such a mandate which we continue our work. It is with this mandate which UYA aims to see beyond the disappointing and artificial divisions within the community. It is with this mandate which we will seek to remedy such divisions. It is this mandate that allows us to unify the community on every April 24th and beyond.
While the mission is noble and the challenges numerous, from time to time, we are stunned by the pitiful and contemptible political maneuvers of the establishment, who under the veil of national unity and national cause, take every opportunity imaginable to overtly question Unified Young Armenians, our mission, and our ideals. One such unfortunate and pitiful maneuver took place on April 24th, the day on which we mourned the death of over 1.5 million of our forefathers. On April 24th, in Little Armenia, from the stage and the podium which was entrusted to them by Unified Young Armenians (UYA), in front of tens of thousands of people, the establishment found it wise to question the wisdom of the UYA in recognizing the need for unity; the very ideal which we have dedicated ourselves, our programs, and our events, of which the April 24th march, has become the symbol of a united community for the last ten years.
Since 2001, UYA has done everything possible in its power to end the divides and further the cause of unity. And in this matter, rather than making empty public overtures, we took practical steps. At the April 24th marches, and in various events, UYA has hosted speakers such as George Abelian, Harout Sassounian, Harut Ter-Davtian, Hovanness Balaian, Stepan Hovagimian, and many others. Just last year, for the April 24th event, we extended an invitation to the three traditional political parties. We participated in telethons aiming at helping the orphan children in Armenia, providing funding for surgeries of Artsakh war veterans, or saving Armenian newspapers from closure. Our history is clear. So is our conscious.
But neither a clear history and conscious, nor the selfless work of over a decade, prevented the establishment from using the stage entrusted to them by UYA, to attack us; and do so on April 24th. No doubt, as experience has proved it to be true, the community will once again have the wisdom to see through such political maneuvers. Those institutions that will condone such a move will also be judged accordingly by a vigilant and attentive Armenian community.
Unified Young Armenians (UYA) will continue to remain true to its ideals. We will continue to remain fully independent regardless of pressures, attacks, or political maneuvers. Our loyalty has always been, and will continue to remain with our cause, and we will only answer and be responsible to our people. No organization, political party, committee, or individual will dictate the moves of Unified Young Armenians. This has been true for the last decade and will continue to remain such.
For the sake of the past, and sake of the future, regardless of the pitiful and unsound criticism which from time to time comes our way, we still continue to believe in good faith dealing, cooperation, mutual respect, and unity. It is based on these ideals, that we will continue working towards a unified community. We will continue our work for the sake of the unjust past imposed upon our people, and for the sake of a more unified and brighter future which still awaits us.
Executive Committee,
Unified Young Armenians (UYA)
Անհապաղ Հրատարակման Համար~ 2010-05-30
Լրացուցիչ պարզաբանումների համար դիմել Արութին Հարությունյանին ~ Հեռ. 818.971.5065
2010թ. Ապրիլի 24-ին հարավային Կալիֆորնիայի հայ համայնքը, ինչպես նաև համայն հայությունը, ականատես եղան մի ահռելի միասնության որ Փոքր Հայաստանի Հայոց Ցեղասպանության 95-րդ տարելիցին նվիրված ցույց-քայլարշավը դրսևորեց: Տասնյակ հազարավոր հայեր, նրանց թվում նաև ոչ հայեր, ճշմարտության և պատմական արդարության ոգով տոգորված՝ բղավեցին իրենց կոկորդի ամբողջ ուժգնությամբ մի այնպիսի ձայնով, որ աշխարհի ամենախուլ ղեկավարներն անգամ չէին կարող խուսափել լսելուց:
Ինչպես նախորդ տարիների ընթացքում, այս տարի ևս, անկախ ավանդական քաղաքական կառույցների միջև տիրող վաղեմի տարաձայնությունների, այդ ամենին ավելացրած Հայ-Թուրքական արձանագրությունների և Հայաստանի քաղաքականության հետ կապված այլարկարծիքությունը, ինչպես նաև համայնքի բավականին լարված քաղաքական արշավները, Ապրիլի 24-ի քայլարշավը համայնքը միավորեց այն միակ գաղափարի շուրջ, որն է աշխարհի առաջնորդներից Հայոց Ցեղասպանության ճանաչման պահանջարկը:
Սկսած Արքեպիսկոպոսներից ներկայացնելով երկու Հայկական Թեմերը մինչև 43-րդ ընտրատարածքի թեկնածուները, Հայկական Ազգային Կոնգրեսի անդամները և սատարողները, Լոս Անջելեսում Հայաստանի Գլխավոր հյուպատոսը, Հայ-Թուրքակաան արձանագրությունների սատարողները, ինչպես նաև նրանք ովքեր արդարացիորեն հակառակ էին այդ պրոտոկոլներին, իրենց մասնակցությունը բերեցին այս կարևորագույն իրադարձությանը: Անկախ իրենց սոցիալ-քաղաքական կցորդումների՝ աշխարհի տարբեր անկյուններից ժամանած հայերն իրենց ազգային պարտքը համարեցին Փոքր Հայաստանի ցույց-քայլարշավին ներկա գտնվելը:
Այս հաջողության համար, մենք պարտական ենք Լոս Անջելեսի հայ համայնքի անգնահատելի բարոյական և ֆինանսական աջակցությանը: Մենք երախտապարտ ենք հայ համայնքից իրենց ակտիվ մասնակցության և Միացյալ Հայ Երիտասարդների հանդեպ դրսևորած մեծ վստահության և հավատքի համար: Հայ համայնքը պետք է հպարտ լինի այս արդեն տաս տարեկան երիտասարդական շարժման թիկունքում կանգնած լինելու համար, սատարելով ՄՀԵ-ի հայ ազգի բազում խնդիրների շուրջ ծավալած նախագծերին: Համայնքի աջակցությունը և մասնակցությունը մեզ այս գործունեությունը շարունակելու մանդատն է տվել, որպեսզի ՄՀԵ-ը մնալով անկախ էություն՝ շարունակեն կազմակերպել Սփյուռքի պատմության մեջ դեռևս ամենամեծ ցույց-քայլարշավը ի հիշատակում Հայոց Ցեղասպանությանը: Այս մանդատով առաջնորդվելով՝ ՄՀԵ-ը ամեն ջանք են գործադրում համայնքի ներսում տիրող արհեստական բաժանումներին և տարածայնություններին չտրվել և փոխարենը հախթահարել դրանք: Այս մանդատն է, որ հնարավոր է դարձնում հայ համայնքը միավորել Ապրիլի 24-ին, ինչպես նաև մի շարք այլ առիթներին:
Չնայած որ մեր առաքելությունն ազնիվ է իսկ մարտահրավերնեը բազում՝ ժամանակ առ ժամանակ մենք ապշում ենք ավանդական որոշ կառույցների այն խղճուկ և արհամարելի խորամանկություններից, որոնք ազգային միասնության և ազգային խնդիրների քողի տակ, առիթը բաց չեն թողնում հարցադրելու ՄՀԵ-ի կոչը և սկզբունքները: Նման մի օրինակ է հանդիսանում այս տարվա Ապրիլի 24-ին Փոքր Հայաստանում կայացած ցույց-քայլարշավը, որի ընթացքում հազարավոր ականատեսների աչքի առաջ բեմահարթակից հարցադրվեց ՄՀԵ-ի խոհեմությունը համայնքում միասնության կարևորությունը ճանաչելու մեջ: Վերջինս, սակայն, ՄՀԵ կազմակերպության առաջնային սկզբունքն է իր բազում նախագծերի մեջ արտահայտված, որոնցից Ապրիլի 24-ի քայլարշավը այս տաս տարիների ընթացքում համայնքի միասնության խորհրդանիշն է դարձել:
Սկսած 2001թ-ից ՄՀԵ-ը ջանք չեն խնայել համայնքում բաժանումները հաղթահարելու և միասնության պատգամը առաջ տանելու գործում: Այս հարցում դատարկ հրապարակավ նախերգանքների փոխարեն՝ մենք գործնական քայլեր ենք ձեռնարկել: Ապրիլի 24-ի քայլարշավին, ինչպես նաև այլ առիթներին, ՄՀԵ-ը հյուրընկալել են այնպիսի խոսնակների, ինչպիսիք են Ջորջ Աբելյանը, Հարութ Սասունյանը, Հարութ Տեր Դավթյանը, Հովհաննես Բալայանը, Ստեփան Հովակիմյանը, և ուրիշները: Հենց նախորդ տարի Ապրիլի 24-ին մենք ընդլայնեցինք մեր հրավերքը դեպի երեք ավանդական քաղաքական կուսակցությունները: Տարվա ընթացքում մենք նաև մեր մասնակցությունը բերեցինք մի շարք կարևոր հեռուստամառաթոններում, որոնք նվիրված էին Հայաստանում որբ երեխաներին օգնելու, Արցախի պատերազմի վետերանների վիրահատությունները ֆինանսավորելու, ինչպես նաև հայկական թերթերի գործունեությունն ավարտից փրկելու գործին: Մեր պատմությունը հստակ է, ինչպես և մեր խիղճը:
Սակայն ոչ հստակ պատմությունն ու խիղճը, և ոչ էլ մեկ տասնամյակի անշահախնդիր աշխատանքը կարողացան կանխարգել ավանդական որոշ քաղաքական կառույցներին Ապրիլի 24-ին ՄՀԵ-ի կողմից իրենց վստահված բեմահարթակից գրոհել հենց ՄՀԵ-ի դեմ: Անկասկած, ինչպես անցյալի փորձն է ցույց տվել, հայ համայնքը ևս մեկ անգամ իմաստությունը կունենա տեսնել այս քաղակական բանսարկությունները: Այն հաստատությունները, որոնք կանտեսեն նման արարքներն, անշուշտ նաև համապատասխանորեն կդատապարտվեն աչալուրջ և զգոն հայ համայնքի կողմից:
Միացյալ Հայ Երիտասարդները կշարունակեն հավատարիմ մնալ իրենց սկզբունքներին: Մենք կշարունակենք ամբողջովին անկախ մնալ չնայած ճնշումների, մարտահրավերների, և քաղաքական ինտրիգաների: Մեր հավատարմությունը միշտ ուղղված է եղել, և կշարունակի նույն կերպ, դեպի մեր կոչը, պատասխանատու լինելով միայն մեր ժողովրդին: Ոչ մի կազմակերպություն, քաղաքական կուսակցություն, կոմիտե, կամ անհատ չի կարող թելադրել ՄՀԵ-ի քայլերը: Դա այդպես է եղել վերջին տաս տարիների ընթացքում և նույն կերպ էլ կշարունակի մնալ:
Հանուն անցյալի, և հանուն ապագայի, անկախ խղճուկ և անհիմն քննադատությունների, որ մեր դեմ են ուղղվում ժամանակ առ ժամանակ, մենք կշարունակենք հավատալ բարեկամ գործունեության, համագործակցության, փոխադարձ հարգանքի, և միասնության արժեքներին: Հիմնվելով հենց այս արժեքների վրա, մենք կշարունակենք մեր գործունեությունը դեպի միացյալ համայնք հեռանկարը: Մենք կշարունակենք աշխատել հանուն այն անարդար և պարտադրված անցյալի և հանուն այն միացյալ և պայծառ ապագայի որ դեռ անկասկած սպասվում է մեր ժողովրդին:
Վարչության Խորհուրդ՝
Միացյալ Հայ Երիտասարդներ (ՄՀԵ)
Անհապաղ Հրատարակման Համար~ 2010-05-30
Լրացուցիչ պարզաբանումների համար դիմել Արութին Հարությունյանին ~ Հեռ. 818.971.5065
2010թ. Ապրիլի 24-ին հարավային Կալիֆորնիայի հայ համայնքը, ինչպես նաև համայն հայությունը, ականատես եղան մի ահռելի միասնության որ Փոքր Հայաստանի Հայոց Ցեղասպանության 95-րդ տարելիցին նվիրված ցույց-քայլարշավը դրսևորեց: Տասնյակ հազարավոր հայեր, նրանց թվում նաև ոչ հայեր, ճշմարտության և պատմական արդարության ոգով տոգորված՝ բղավեցին իրենց կոկորդի ամբողջ ուժգնությամբ մի այնպիսի ձայնով, որ աշխարհի ամենախուլ ղեկավարներն անգամ չէին կարող խուսափել լսելուց:
Ինչպես նախորդ տարիների ընթացքում, այս տարի ևս, անկախ ավանդական քաղաքական կառույցների միջև տիրող վաղեմի տարաձայնությունների, այդ ամենին ավելացրած Հայ-Թուրքական արձանագրությունների և Հայաստանի քաղաքականության հետ կապված այլարկարծիքությունը, ինչպես նաև համայնքի բավականին լարված քաղաքական արշավները, Ապրիլի 24-ի քայլարշավը համայնքը միավորեց այն միակ գաղափարի շուրջ, որն է աշխարհի առաջնորդներից Հայոց Ցեղասպանության ճանաչման պահանջարկը:
Սկսած Արքեպիսկոպոսներից ներկայացնելով երկու Հայկական Թեմերը մինչև 43-րդ ընտրատարածքի թեկնածուները, Հայկական Ազգային Կոնգրեսի անդամները և սատարողները, Լոս Անջելեսում Հայաստանի Գլխավոր հյուպատոսը, Հայ-Թուրքակաան արձանագրությունների սատարողները, ինչպես նաև նրանք ովքեր արդարացիորեն հակառակ էին այդ պրոտոկոլներին, իրենց մասնակցությունը բերեցին այս կարևորագույն իրադարձությանը: Անկախ իրենց սոցիալ-քաղաքական կցորդումների՝ աշխարհի տարբեր անկյուններից ժամանած հայերն իրենց ազգային պարտքը համարեցին Փոքր Հայաստանի ցույց-քայլարշավին ներկա գտնվելը:
Այս հաջողության համար, մենք պարտական ենք Լոս Անջելեսի հայ համայնքի անգնահատելի բարոյական և ֆինանսական աջակցությանը: Մենք երախտապարտ ենք հայ համայնքից իրենց ակտիվ մասնակցության և Միացյալ Հայ Երիտասարդների հանդեպ դրսևորած մեծ վստահության և հավատքի համար: Հայ համայնքը պետք է հպարտ լինի այս արդեն տաս տարեկան երիտասարդական շարժման թիկունքում կանգնած լինելու համար, սատարելով ՄՀԵ-ի հայ ազգի բազում խնդիրների շուրջ ծավալած նախագծերին: Համայնքի աջակցությունը և մասնակցությունը մեզ այս գործունեությունը շարունակելու մանդատն է տվել, որպեսզի ՄՀԵ-ը մնալով անկախ էություն՝ շարունակեն կազմակերպել Սփյուռքի պատմության մեջ դեռևս ամենամեծ ցույց-քայլարշավը ի հիշատակում Հայոց Ցեղասպանությանը: Այս մանդատով առաջնորդվելով՝ ՄՀԵ-ը ամեն ջանք են գործադրում համայնքի ներսում տիրող արհեստական բաժանումներին և տարածայնություններին չտրվել և փոխարենը հախթահարել դրանք: Այս մանդատն է, որ հնարավոր է դարձնում հայ համայնքը միավորել Ապրիլի 24-ին, ինչպես նաև մի շարք այլ առիթներին:
Չնայած որ մեր առաքելությունն ազնիվ է իսկ մարտահրավերնեը բազում՝ ժամանակ առ ժամանակ մենք ապշում ենք ավանդական որոշ կառույցների այն խղճուկ և արհամարելի խորամանկություններից, որոնք ազգային միասնության և ազգային խնդիրների քողի տակ, առիթը բաց չեն թողնում հարցադրելու ՄՀԵ-ի կոչը և սկզբունքները: Նման մի օրինակ է հանդիսանում այս տարվա Ապրիլի 24-ին Փոքր Հայաստանում կայացած ցույց-քայլարշավը, որի ընթացքում հազարավոր ականատեսների աչքի առաջ բեմահարթակից հարցադրվեց ՄՀԵ-ի խոհեմությունը համայնքում միասնության կարևորությունը ճանաչելու մեջ: Վերջինս, սակայն, ՄՀԵ կազմակերպության առաջնային սկզբունքն է իր բազում նախագծերի մեջ արտահայտված, որոնցից Ապրիլի 24-ի քայլարշավը այս տաս տարիների ընթացքում համայնքի միասնության խորհրդանիշն է դարձել:
Սկսած 2001թ-ից ՄՀԵ-ը ջանք չեն խնայել համայնքում բաժանումները հաղթահարելու և միասնության պատգամը առաջ տանելու գործում: Այս հարցում դատարկ հրապարակավ նախերգանքների փոխարեն՝ մենք գործնական քայլեր ենք ձեռնարկել: Ապրիլի 24-ի քայլարշավին, ինչպես նաև այլ առիթներին, ՄՀԵ-ը հյուրընկալել են այնպիսի խոսնակների, ինչպիսիք են Ջորջ Աբելյանը, Հարութ Սասունյանը, Հարութ Տեր Դավթյանը, Հովհաննես Բալայանը, Ստեփան Հովակիմյանը, և ուրիշները: Հենց նախորդ տարի Ապրիլի 24-ին մենք ընդլայնեցինք մեր հրավերքը դեպի երեք ավանդական քաղաքական կուսակցությունները: Տարվա ընթացքում մենք նաև մեր մասնակցությունը բերեցինք մի շարք կարևոր հեռուստամառաթոններում, որոնք նվիրված էին Հայաստանում որբ երեխաներին օգնելու, Արցախի պատերազմի վետերանների վիրահատությունները ֆինանսավորելու, ինչպես նաև հայկական թերթերի գործունեությունն ավարտից փրկելու գործին: Մեր պատմությունը հստակ է, ինչպես և մեր խիղճը:
Սակայն ոչ հստակ պատմությունն ու խիղճը, և ոչ էլ մեկ տասնամյակի անշահախնդիր աշխատանքը կարողացան կանխարգել ավանդական որոշ քաղաքական կառույցներին Ապրիլի 24-ին ՄՀԵ-ի կողմից իրենց վստահված բեմահարթակից գրոհել հենց ՄՀԵ-ի դեմ: Անկասկած, ինչպես անցյալի փորձն է ցույց տվել, հայ համայնքը ևս մեկ անգամ իմաստությունը կունենա տեսնել այս քաղակական բանսարկությունները: Այն հաստատությունները, որոնք կանտեսեն նման արարքներն, անշուշտ նաև համապատասխանորեն կդատապարտվեն աչալուրջ և զգոն հայ համայնքի կողմից:
Միացյալ Հայ Երիտասարդները կշարունակեն հավատարիմ մնալ իրենց սկզբունքներին: Մենք կշարունակենք ամբողջովին անկախ մնալ չնայած ճնշումների, մարտահրավերների, և քաղաքական ինտրիգաների: Մեր հավատարմությունը միշտ ուղղված է եղել, և կշարունակի նույն կերպ, դեպի մեր կոչը, պատասխանատու լինելով միայն մեր ժողովրդին: Ոչ մի կազմակերպություն, քաղաքական կուսակցություն, կոմիտե, կամ անհատ չի կարող թելադրել ՄՀԵ-ի քայլերը: Դա այդպես է եղել վերջին տաս տարիների ընթացքում և նույն կերպ էլ կշարունակի մնալ:
Հանուն անցյալի, և հանուն ապագայի, անկախ խղճուկ և անհիմն քննադատությունների, որ մեր դեմ են ուղղվում ժամանակ առ ժամանակ, մենք կշարունակենք հավատալ բարեկամ գործունեության, համագործակցության, փոխադարձ հարգանքի, և միասնության արժեքներին: Հիմնվելով հենց այս արժեքների վրա, մենք կշարունակենք մեր գործունեությունը դեպի միացյալ համայնք հեռանկարը: Մենք կշարունակենք աշխատել հանուն այն անարդար և պարտադրված անցյալի և հանուն այն միացյալ և պայծառ ապագայի որ դեռ անկասկած սպասվում է մեր ժողովրդին:
Վարչության Խորհուրդ՝
Միացյալ Հայ Երիտասարդներ (ՄՀԵ)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Hundreds of Angelinos Rally to Mark the 23rd anniversary of Bloody Pogroms in Azerbaijan
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered at the consulate of Azerbaijan in mid-Wilshire to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of Armenian pogroms in Azerbaijan and to protest against war threats and the hate speech by the Azeri government.
The rally, organized by a Los Angeles based youth group - the “Unified Young Armenians” was attended by several other Los Angeles based organizations, elected officials and individual community members both Armenian and non-Armenian.
The demonstrators chanted: “Azerbaijan, stop hate speech”, “Azerbaijan, hands off Armenia and Karabakh”, “Armenian-American community stands for Armenia”. Addressing the protestors and hundreds of passersby, the speakers voiced their concern at the rising militaristic rhetoric of the official Baku and the frequent provocations by the Azeri army against Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh.
The demonstration outside the Azeri consulate was covered by a number of local TV stations and print media.
The Sumgait pogrom was perpetrated by the authorities of Azerbaijan against the Armenian population of the town of Sumgait in Soviet Azerbaijan during February 1988. On February 27, 1988, mobs consisting of ethnic Azeris formed into groups that went on to attack and kill Armenians both on the streets and in their apartments; widespread looting and a general lack of concern from police officers allowed the situation to worsen. The violence in Sumgait was unprecedented in scope in the post World War II Europe.
Friday, January 28, 2011
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Young Armenian boy dying at the doorsteps during the Armenian Genocide |
1915 թվական ապրիլ քսանչորս,
Սև ամպը պատեց երկրին իմ Հայոց,
Անտեղի կոտորվեց մի հայ ժողովուրդ
Եվ արյուն տեղաց անձրևի տեսքով:
Անհոգի ու չար Թուրքը գտնվեց
Ահել ու ջահել նա բնաջնջեց
Նույնիսկ չծնված մանուկներին չխնայեց
Մայրական որովայնում գերեզման սարքեց:
Շատերին սպանեցին անխղճաբար
Շատերին էլ ողջ նետեցին գետը վարար
Ախ այս ինչ բախտի հայն արժանացավ:
Ինչու չպաշտպանեցիր դու մեզ Տեր Աստված?
Մեր քույրերին հեզ ու բարի
Ալ կակաչներ գեղեցիկ
Զրկեցին նրանց Հայրենի հողից
Տարան աճեցրին հողում Թուրքերի:
Եվ չդիմանալով ցավերին անտանելի
Իրենք իրենց հողին հանձնեցին:
ՈՒ ամեն տարի Ապրիլ քսանչորսին
Գարնան երփներանգ ծաղիկների հետ մեկտեղ
Մի ծաղիկ էլ է բացվում սրտերում Հայ Ազգի
Որը կոչվում է "Սևավոր Եղեռն":
Սև ամպը պատեց երկրին իմ Հայոց,
Անտեղի կոտորվեց մի հայ ժողովուրդ
Եվ արյուն տեղաց անձրևի տեսքով:
Անհոգի ու չար Թուրքը գտնվեց
Ահել ու ջահել նա բնաջնջեց
Նույնիսկ չծնված մանուկներին չխնայեց
Մայրական որովայնում գերեզման սարքեց:
Շատերին սպանեցին անխղճաբար
Շատերին էլ ողջ նետեցին գետը վարար
Ախ այս ինչ բախտի հայն արժանացավ:
Ինչու չպաշտպանեցիր դու մեզ Տեր Աստված?
Մեր քույրերին հեզ ու բարի
Ալ կակաչներ գեղեցիկ
Զրկեցին նրանց Հայրենի հողից
Տարան աճեցրին հողում Թուրքերի:
Եվ չդիմանալով ցավերին անտանելի
Իրենք իրենց հողին հանձնեցին:
ՈՒ ամեն տարի Ապրիլ քսանչորսին
Գարնան երփներանգ ծաղիկների հետ մեկտեղ
Մի ծաղիկ էլ է բացվում սրտերում Հայ Ազգի
Որը կոչվում է "Սևավոր Եղեռն":
Ռուբինա Ակոպյան
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Aroutin Hartounian: Our Pledge on the 19th Anniversary of the Reorganization of the Independent Armenian Armed Forces
On the occasion of the 19th Anniversary of the reorganization of an independent Armenian Armed Forces, we congratulate the Armenian people world wide on this tremendous and monumental achievement. After seven decades of serving under the banner of the Soviet Union, the legendary Armenian Armed Forces is once again fighting under the sacred Red, Blue, and Orange. Today, the Armenian Armed Forces not only stands ready to defend Armenia against foreign aggressors, but is also an active participant of international peace keeping and humanitarian missions around the world.
While there still lies many challenges ahead of the Armenian Armed Forces, this sacred institution has been the guarantor of the security and sovereignty of the Armenian homeland and has instilled hope among its future generations. Thanks to each and every Armenian soldier, the Armenian Nation sleeps comfortably at night knowing that their brave sons guarantee their safety. It is because of their bravery that the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Republic threw off the yoke of the Azeri oppression. It is the Armenian soldiers' fearlessness that consecutive Azeri aggressions have been repelled successfully. And lastly, it is their valor that instills hope within every Armenian child for a safer, democratic and more prosperous Armenia.
One cannot forget the contributions of the families of the Armenian servicemen. It is at the expense of their families, and the expense of their unquenched yearnings and at times tormenting wait of two long years that our Nation is safe. We must honor every single serviceman's fathers who raised a true hero for his Nation and even more importantly, we must bow down to each soldier's mother who parts away from her beloved child, hoping for the safe return of their already grown and matured man.
But we also must acknowledge that the road to create the Armenian Armed Forces has not been a smooth one and challenges still lie ahead. And we, as mature and informed Armenian civil society, shall not shy away from facing these challenges. The noteworthy remnant of Soviet-era system, whereby the newer servicemen are by custom bullied by those serving longer terms, is an issue that must be eradicated. And this eradication process must start with every single soldier and officer, who not only should think about their tenure in the service, but also the service of their children and grandchildren. They must be very cautious of the precedent which is being set by them for the future generations to come. Today's actions by one soldier, can plant the seed for creed of tomorrow's entire Armed Forces. Those who have abused their powers within this sacred institution and have unjustly imposed their will on their peers shall be punished with the outmost severity as to make examples of them. And in this, the State apparatus has an important role to play. Disciplinary actions, as sanctioned by the law, and a more transparent oversight system can be helpful in solving disciplinary and other issues. While bringing change within any institution is difficult, it is noteworthy that a number of reforms have already been implemented by the Armenian Armed Forces. Such reforms are commendable; but more is needed.
Regardless, these challenges do not take away from the glory of the Armenian Armed Forces. As time and again pointed out by many non-Armenian (including Turkish) experts in the security field, and even after billions of dollars of military spending by the rogue Azerbaijani regime, the Armenian Armed Forces is still the most powerful, the most agile, and the best prepared fighting force in the region. While the road to reestablish the independent Armenian Armed Forces has been challenging, the strong will and the collective wisdom of the Armenian people, combined with the brevity and preparedness of the Armenian soldiers, has led to the establishment of a fighting force which is willing, able, and ready to defend the rights and aspirations of the Armenian Nation.
Regardless of political ideology or birth place, every Armenian in the world stands by its fighting sons. We are proud of them.
And today, as in the past, when duty calls, every single Armenian in the world, shoulder to shoulder with the Armenian Armed Forces, will stand and defend the safety and sovereignty of the Armenian Nation and the dual Armenian homelands of Armenia and Artsakh. That is our unwavering pledge.
Aroutin Hartounian
Unified Young Armenians (UYA)
Unified Young Armenians (UYA)
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Armenian Community Stages a Protest in Opposition to the Azeri Genocidal Campaign in Sumgait
The Armenian Community Stages a Protest in Opposition to the Azeri Genocidal Campaign in Sumgait
Unified Young Armenians (UYA) has organized a protest at the Azeri Consulate for the 23rd Anniversary of the Sumgait massacres.
Los Angeles, CA February 25, 2011 – Pogroms, beatings and ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Azerbaijan escalated to inconceivable measures 23 years ago on February 27, 1988 in Sumgait. UYA has organized a protest to mark the anniversary of the Sumgait massacres and end the Azeri Genocidal Campaign.
On Friday, February 25, 2011 at 4:00pm UYA has planned a protest at the Azerbaijan Consulate located at 11766 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025.
Dozens of Armenians were killed, majority of whom were set afire alive after being beaten and tortured. Hundreds of innocent people recieved injuries of different severity and women, among them minors, were raped.
In his address to the Supreme Council of the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Region, a leader of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan Mr. Hidayat Orujev, stated days before the massacre of Armenians in Sumgait: "If you do not stop campaigning for the unification of Nagorno Karabakh with Armenia, if you don't sober up, 100,000 Azeris from neighboring districts will break into your houses, torch your apartments, rape your women, and kill your children." This same Orujev is currently the Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organization for the Republic of Azerbaijan.
UYA is a non-profit grassroots youth organization. It is non-partisan and non-religious. UYA’s goal is to encourage activism among the Armenian youth, while advocating justice and human rights. It upholds the power of knowledge and education. UYA’s mission is to serve the collective good and promote a world free of genocides.
Milena Mailyan, UYA Public Relations
1110 Sonora Ave., Unit #106
Glendale, CA 91201
# # #
Friday, January 21, 2011
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic on the Recent Azeri Misinformation Campaign
Recently, Azerbaijan has intensified its attempts to cast doubt on the expediency of visiting the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR) by foreign citizens.
The NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs points out to yet another destructive initiative of official Baku. The Azerbaijani leadership’s attempts to interfere with the processes concerning the interests of the neighboring Nagorno Karabakh Republic are groundless and must be considered as another manifestation of hostility towards our country.
For two decades, the NKR has developed as an independent and democratic state, which is able to defend its sovereignty and ensure all the democratic rights and liberties for its citizens. Since the declaration of its independence, our country has been visited by tens of thousands of guests from many states of the civilized world. Missions of international organizations, including NGOs, and business-companies constantly operate in the Republic. Annually, the NKR MFA registers average 15-percent increase of the number of tourists, which testifies to the sincere and increasing interest of the international community towards the Karabakh phenomenon.
Unfortunately, any testimony for the consolidation of the NKR statehood causes inadequate reaction by Baku, as a result of which the Azerbaijani authorities often resort to a state blackmail or other typical actions contradicting the modern system of international legal and moral standards.
The recent initiative is encroachment on the interests of the Karabakh people by Baku impeding confidence-building between the AR and NKR, which is a necessary term for an efficient settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict.
The Azerbaijani leadership should refuse of its destructive steps and direct its political potential to the negotiations on the achievement of mutually acceptable peace and stability in the South Caucasus, with the consideration of the existing realities.
Source: Public Radio of Armenia
The NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs points out to yet another destructive initiative of official Baku. The Azerbaijani leadership’s attempts to interfere with the processes concerning the interests of the neighboring Nagorno Karabakh Republic are groundless and must be considered as another manifestation of hostility towards our country.
For two decades, the NKR has developed as an independent and democratic state, which is able to defend its sovereignty and ensure all the democratic rights and liberties for its citizens. Since the declaration of its independence, our country has been visited by tens of thousands of guests from many states of the civilized world. Missions of international organizations, including NGOs, and business-companies constantly operate in the Republic. Annually, the NKR MFA registers average 15-percent increase of the number of tourists, which testifies to the sincere and increasing interest of the international community towards the Karabakh phenomenon.
Unfortunately, any testimony for the consolidation of the NKR statehood causes inadequate reaction by Baku, as a result of which the Azerbaijani authorities often resort to a state blackmail or other typical actions contradicting the modern system of international legal and moral standards.
The recent initiative is encroachment on the interests of the Karabakh people by Baku impeding confidence-building between the AR and NKR, which is a necessary term for an efficient settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict.
The Azerbaijani leadership should refuse of its destructive steps and direct its political potential to the negotiations on the achievement of mutually acceptable peace and stability in the South Caucasus, with the consideration of the existing realities.
Source: Public Radio of Armenia
Who is buried in Azerbaijan's Shahid Alley?
Lilit Muradyan
The world should know that murderers who killed Armenians are buried in the Shahid Alley of Baku, members of the organizational committee of the Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan told reporters today.
As part of the protocol, officials visiting Baku lay a wreath in the Shahid Alley or the graves of those killed for the sake of Azerbaijan’s freedom and independence, as they call it. However, those buried at the Shahid Alley are the perpetrators of the Baku pogroms of 1990.
“We have decided to put an end to silence and send out letters to all countries, which Armenia has diplomatic relations with,” committee secretary Mariam Avagyan told a press conference today.
“As you know, January 20 is marked in Azerbaijan as the commemoration day of all who died for the country’s independence. All events are centered around the Shahid Alley, which is honored like a “sacred place”. All delegations arriving in Azerbaijan are scheduled to visit and lay a wreath to the graves. But do all know who was buried in this Alley? These are some of criminals, who perpetrated the massacre of Armenians in Baku. There are also some Russians, who, actually, had no connection with those criminals. This is nothing but mockery of the memory of civilians and Soviet soldiers, who were killed during those days,” the letter reads.
Members of the committee decided to send the first letter to Russia as the successor of the Soviet Union.
“We intend to launch an international investigation to dispel Baku’s myths about Shahid Alley,” Mariam Avagyan said. “We will address to the International Court of Justice,” she said.
Source: Public Radio of Armenia
The world should know that murderers who killed Armenians are buried in the Shahid Alley of Baku, members of the organizational committee of the Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan told reporters today.
As part of the protocol, officials visiting Baku lay a wreath in the Shahid Alley or the graves of those killed for the sake of Azerbaijan’s freedom and independence, as they call it. However, those buried at the Shahid Alley are the perpetrators of the Baku pogroms of 1990.
“We have decided to put an end to silence and send out letters to all countries, which Armenia has diplomatic relations with,” committee secretary Mariam Avagyan told a press conference today.
“As you know, January 20 is marked in Azerbaijan as the commemoration day of all who died for the country’s independence. All events are centered around the Shahid Alley, which is honored like a “sacred place”. All delegations arriving in Azerbaijan are scheduled to visit and lay a wreath to the graves. But do all know who was buried in this Alley? These are some of criminals, who perpetrated the massacre of Armenians in Baku. There are also some Russians, who, actually, had no connection with those criminals. This is nothing but mockery of the memory of civilians and Soviet soldiers, who were killed during those days,” the letter reads.
Members of the committee decided to send the first letter to Russia as the successor of the Soviet Union.
“We intend to launch an international investigation to dispel Baku’s myths about Shahid Alley,” Mariam Avagyan said. “We will address to the International Court of Justice,” she said.
Source: Public Radio of Armenia
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Greek President Karolos Papoulias: Both Greeks and Armenians were butchered in the past by their common enemy, the Turks.
"Both Greeks and Armenians were butchered in the past by their common enemy, the Turks, Greek President Karolos Papoulias has been quoted as saying. “We were butchered by the same barbarian,” Papoulias was quoted as saying by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) during a meeting with his Armenian counterpart, Serzh Sarksyan, on Tuesday."
On Tuesday Papoulias also appeared to blame Turkey for his country’s financial crisis, saying Greece might well have avoided resorting to International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union loans if it were not for maintaining the armaments ratio with Turkey. “We spend more money than any of our allies on armaments and that is unfair for a peaceful people,” Papoulias said. -Today's Zaman, Turkish Daily, January 20, 2010 (Turkish Time)
On Tuesday Papoulias also appeared to blame Turkey for his country’s financial crisis, saying Greece might well have avoided resorting to International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union loans if it were not for maintaining the armaments ratio with Turkey. “We spend more money than any of our allies on armaments and that is unfair for a peaceful people,” Papoulias said. -Today's Zaman, Turkish Daily, January 20, 2010 (Turkish Time)
Harut Sassounian: Turkish Prime Minister Shoots Himself in the Foot Again
Prime Minister Erdogan embarrasses himself and his government just about every time he opens his mouth! His angry statements, often bewildering and insulting, give Turkey a black eye internationally and provide fresh ammunition to his domestic opponents.
A year ago, the Prime Minister threatened to deport 100,000 Armenians from Turkey, thereby reminding everyone around the world that Ankara’s present leaders are not much different from their bloodthirsty forefathers who deported and killed 1.5 million Armenians during the Genocide of 1915-23. After he was roundly condemned at home and abroad, Erdogan explained that he had meant to deport only undocumented workers from Armenia. When told that the 100,000 figure included both native and foreign Armenians, the Prime Minister blamed his aides for giving him faulty population figures!
Erdogan made another faux pas early this month during a visit to Kars, when he called for the demolition of a gigantic monument symbolizing "Armenia-Turkey Friendship." The 100-foot, 1,500-ton unfinished statue was commissioned by the city’s former mayor who believed that reconciliation and open borders with Armenia would boost his city’s sluggish economy. The monument depicted the figure of a man sliced into two, extending a hand of friendship to his other half. Calling the statue "freakish" or "grotesque," the Prime Minister urged the new mayor to have the $1.5 million monument torn down before his next visit.
By calling the Kars monument an "ugly" work of art, Erdogan unleashed a torrent of criticism and triggered a chain of events that made him the laughing stock of the world:
-- Erdogan’s political opponents accused him of pandering to the city’s Azeri voters who vehemently oppose any reconciliation with Armenia. They attributed the Prime Minister’s demolition order to crass electoral motives rather than to his artistic taste.
-- Turkey’s Culture Minister tried to come to Erdogan’s rescue by claiming that the Prime Minister had called the surrounding shanty houses "freakish," rather than the statue itself. Undeterred. Erdogan embarrassed his Minister by rebuking him and repeating his earlier statement. Next, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc jumped into the fray by wishing that "God would spare him from finding himself in the same awkward situation as the Culture Minister."
-- Even Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s much-touted Foreign Minister, got into the act, vainly trying to make his Prime Minister look good. Davutoglu claimed that the real problem with the monument was that it "fails to blend into the Seljuk, Ottoman and Russian character" of Kars. In a sarcastic retort, The Economist of London accused Davutoglu of conveniently erasing the city’s "Armenian legacy," adding that "a long-abandoned tenth-century Armenian church recently reopened -- as a mosque!"
-- Mehmet Aksoy, the well-known sculptor of the monument, compared Erdogan’s order to the Taliban’s demolition of ancient Buddha statues in Afghanistan. Aksoy warned that Turkey’s image would suffer terribly should the monument be blown up. He threatened to sue the Prime Minister for insulting his artwork.
-- The international media excoriated Erdogan by ridiculing his artistic taste and exposing his crass political motives. The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, the Associated Press, Radio Free Europe, Reuters, BBC, the Washington Post, Liberation, and hundreds of other media outlets, condemned Erdogan’s destructive directive.
-- Several Turkish journalists questioned the Prime Minister’s right and authority to have a statue removed and destroyed.
-- Armenia’s Foreign Minister reacted indignantly to Erdogan’s statement and urged him to build a new foundation for normalizing bilateral relations, rather than damaging them. Most commentators interpreted the Prime Minister’s detrimental words as the last nail in the coffin of the unconsummated Armenia-Turkey Protocols.
Not surprisingly, Mubariz Gurbanli, a member of Azerbaijan’s Parliament, expressed his pleasure with Erdogan’s order to demolish the "Armenia-Turkey Friendship" statue. Gurbanli was correct in pointing out: "There is no need to erect a monument to the non-existent friendship with Armenia."
Of course, tearing down monuments is nothing new for Azeri and Turkish officials. A few years ago, Azerbaijan demolished thousands of historic Armenian khatchkars (cross-stones) at a cemetery near Julfa, Nakhichevan, seeking to emulate the Turkish government’s wholesale destruction of hundreds of Armenian churches and monuments ever since the Genocide. Indeed, Erdogan himself is continuing the age-old tradition of his predecessors in ordering the destruction of the Kars "friendship" statue.
If Davutoglu and Erdogan are truly sincere in promoting Armenian-Turkish friendship, they should promptly demolish the monstrous "genocide monument" built in Igdir in 1997, consisting of five 130-foot swords thrust towards the sky, intended to perpetuate the great lie about Armenians killing Turks!
By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
A year ago, the Prime Minister threatened to deport 100,000 Armenians from Turkey, thereby reminding everyone around the world that Ankara’s present leaders are not much different from their bloodthirsty forefathers who deported and killed 1.5 million Armenians during the Genocide of 1915-23. After he was roundly condemned at home and abroad, Erdogan explained that he had meant to deport only undocumented workers from Armenia. When told that the 100,000 figure included both native and foreign Armenians, the Prime Minister blamed his aides for giving him faulty population figures!
Erdogan made another faux pas early this month during a visit to Kars, when he called for the demolition of a gigantic monument symbolizing "Armenia-Turkey Friendship." The 100-foot, 1,500-ton unfinished statue was commissioned by the city’s former mayor who believed that reconciliation and open borders with Armenia would boost his city’s sluggish economy. The monument depicted the figure of a man sliced into two, extending a hand of friendship to his other half. Calling the statue "freakish" or "grotesque," the Prime Minister urged the new mayor to have the $1.5 million monument torn down before his next visit.
By calling the Kars monument an "ugly" work of art, Erdogan unleashed a torrent of criticism and triggered a chain of events that made him the laughing stock of the world:
-- Erdogan’s political opponents accused him of pandering to the city’s Azeri voters who vehemently oppose any reconciliation with Armenia. They attributed the Prime Minister’s demolition order to crass electoral motives rather than to his artistic taste.
-- Turkey’s Culture Minister tried to come to Erdogan’s rescue by claiming that the Prime Minister had called the surrounding shanty houses "freakish," rather than the statue itself. Undeterred. Erdogan embarrassed his Minister by rebuking him and repeating his earlier statement. Next, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc jumped into the fray by wishing that "God would spare him from finding himself in the same awkward situation as the Culture Minister."
-- Even Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s much-touted Foreign Minister, got into the act, vainly trying to make his Prime Minister look good. Davutoglu claimed that the real problem with the monument was that it "fails to blend into the Seljuk, Ottoman and Russian character" of Kars. In a sarcastic retort, The Economist of London accused Davutoglu of conveniently erasing the city’s "Armenian legacy," adding that "a long-abandoned tenth-century Armenian church recently reopened -- as a mosque!"
-- Mehmet Aksoy, the well-known sculptor of the monument, compared Erdogan’s order to the Taliban’s demolition of ancient Buddha statues in Afghanistan. Aksoy warned that Turkey’s image would suffer terribly should the monument be blown up. He threatened to sue the Prime Minister for insulting his artwork.
-- The international media excoriated Erdogan by ridiculing his artistic taste and exposing his crass political motives. The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, the Associated Press, Radio Free Europe, Reuters, BBC, the Washington Post, Liberation, and hundreds of other media outlets, condemned Erdogan’s destructive directive.
-- Several Turkish journalists questioned the Prime Minister’s right and authority to have a statue removed and destroyed.
-- Armenia’s Foreign Minister reacted indignantly to Erdogan’s statement and urged him to build a new foundation for normalizing bilateral relations, rather than damaging them. Most commentators interpreted the Prime Minister’s detrimental words as the last nail in the coffin of the unconsummated Armenia-Turkey Protocols.
Not surprisingly, Mubariz Gurbanli, a member of Azerbaijan’s Parliament, expressed his pleasure with Erdogan’s order to demolish the "Armenia-Turkey Friendship" statue. Gurbanli was correct in pointing out: "There is no need to erect a monument to the non-existent friendship with Armenia."
Of course, tearing down monuments is nothing new for Azeri and Turkish officials. A few years ago, Azerbaijan demolished thousands of historic Armenian khatchkars (cross-stones) at a cemetery near Julfa, Nakhichevan, seeking to emulate the Turkish government’s wholesale destruction of hundreds of Armenian churches and monuments ever since the Genocide. Indeed, Erdogan himself is continuing the age-old tradition of his predecessors in ordering the destruction of the Kars "friendship" statue.
If Davutoglu and Erdogan are truly sincere in promoting Armenian-Turkish friendship, they should promptly demolish the monstrous "genocide monument" built in Igdir in 1997, consisting of five 130-foot swords thrust towards the sky, intended to perpetuate the great lie about Armenians killing Turks!
By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Aroutin Hartounian: New Year Greetings and a Brief Review of 2010
On behalf of Unified Young Armenians (UYA), I would like to take the time to wish our community a happy 2011 and a wonderful holiday season full of joy, health, and success. Additionally, I must thank all of our families, friends, sponsors, and those who continue to believe in us and our mission for well over a decade. It was this belief and trust that has allowed Unified Young Armenians (UYA) to grow and expand its programs. Also, let us wish for a safe service for the young Armenian men and women who risk their lives to protect the dual Armenian homelands of Republic of Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Republic. They are the true heroes of the Armenian Nation. And finally, we cannot forget the American servicemen and servicewomen who are in the harm’s way fighting for our adopted homeland, the United States of America. It is thanks to them that we have the opportunity to freely exercise our constitutional rights and even be able to extend a hand to those in our homeland, Armenia.
For an independent youth organization, we have indeed accomplished a great amount. Albeit challenging at times, for over ten years we have carried the torch of the Armenian Genocide remembrance in the Southern California, having organized the largest Armenian Genocide related event outside the Armenian Homeland in the heart of Hollywood, California. We fiercely and effectively responded to those who unjustly attacked our community, and have done important work towards the cultural preservation among the Armenian children and the youth.
While our programs are many and our events numerous, there are ones that are certainly worthy of mention in our review of past year. The Little Armenia’s annual April 24th march for recognition and remembrance of the Armenian genocide has stood as the culmination of the yearnings of the Armenian people as well as their greatest show of unity outside Armenia. As a part of our human rights campaign, our members with the help of our great sponsors were able to shed light not only to the Armenian Genocide, but also to the brutal massacres of hundreds of Armenian men, women and children in Sumgait, Azerbaijan which took place at the dissolution of the Soviet Union in February of 1988. As the crown jewel of our year around programs, our free Armenian language, history, and culture classes on a weekly basis provide an opportunity for over 60 of the community’s children to learn about their heritage and speak their mother tongue. Also in 2010, with the support of the community and assistance of friends of UYA, on the night of April 23rd, the Organization put together the first major outdoor Armenian Genocide commemoration event in the City of Glendale which attracted thousands and thousands of participants.
In addition to our regular programs, this year we were fortunate enough to have launched a successful coat drive campaign which aimed at providing warm clothing for the needy population of Armenia. This success was a fruit of the close cooperation between Unified Young Armenians (UYA) and United Shipping Group, which was yet another testament to the immense potential of the Armenian community. This partnership proved that as in the past, where the Armenian business class and its youth and intellectuals stand side by side, amazing results can be achieved. We were honored to have among many guests of the event, the Los Angeles City Council member Paul Krikorian, Glendale City Council member Laura Friedman, and Glendale Unified School District Board of Education member Nayiri Nahabedian.
After years of planning, in 2011 UYA will introduce new programs aimed at expanding its educational activities, broadening its local volunteer programs, and extending its reach globally.
But this could not have been done without those people who genuinely believed in the power of the young and educated Armenians. Because of their trust, we were even further empowered to keep on fighting for those ideals which we hold so dear. Because of their participation and support, UYA has been in the frontlines of the Armenian Cause. From shedding light to the evils of Genocide, child soldiers, molestation and abuse around the world, to having the chance to raise the people’s concerns regarding geopolitical developments in various forums, we had the great fortune to serve our community and more. It is those people who we serve that make this volunteer work an immensely worthwhile and gratifying experience. As a result, we are extremely humbled.
Our sponsors played a crucial role our story of success. We thank them for putting their money where their mouths are. Every amount and every donation pushed us ahead a little further. It was their monetary investment in the next generation of the Armenian activists which will ensure that the Armenian culture will not be lost with the passage of the current generation, that the next generation will have the necessary tools to continue its professional and personal growth, and last but not least, that the rights of the Armenian people will be protected.
Most importantly, we must thank the pillars of Unified Young Armenians, our members. As a result of their selfless work and dedication, our community can proudly claim to have a socially responsible, politically active, and ideologically independent new generation. Many of them have made, and continue making numerous personal sacrifices for the collective good. It is the collective which they aim to strengthen. Fighting side to side with the generations before us, and doing so on an equal footing, I am confident that our members have reinvigorated the hope in a brighter Armenian future among many. I am proud of every single one of them, for if they did not make such sacrifices, no one else would have. Last but certainly not least, I will make a great mistake if I forgot the parents and loved ones of our members who also deserve an equal, if not a greater showing of gratitude for they also have forgone many family hours, trips, and even holidays because of the conscious decision made by our members to serve the collective.
These individuals are the ones who make UYA what it is today. As you can tell, and contrary to the popular myth, there is neither a secret organization nor a wealthy donor behind UYA. The concept is clear: Young, dedicated, and independent Armenians who believe in a set of ideals and are willing to fight to reach them; and a community which has believed in its youth and has passed on to them a sacred torch to carry. As the past decade, while we continue to work with many organizations which pursue similar or same goals and ideals as we hold, we will continue to remain completely independent. The goals we pursue are clear and mirror the Armenian national interests and are most wholly compatible with the interests of our adopted homelands. Our decisions, as they have been before, have not, and will not be dictated to us by others. They will only be made based on the best judgment of the young Armenians and we will remain responsible exclusively to our people.
We are humbled and grateful.
Once again, we wish you a happy new year.
Aroutin Hartounian
Unified Young Armenians (UYA)
For an independent youth organization, we have indeed accomplished a great amount. Albeit challenging at times, for over ten years we have carried the torch of the Armenian Genocide remembrance in the Southern California, having organized the largest Armenian Genocide related event outside the Armenian Homeland in the heart of Hollywood, California. We fiercely and effectively responded to those who unjustly attacked our community, and have done important work towards the cultural preservation among the Armenian children and the youth.
While our programs are many and our events numerous, there are ones that are certainly worthy of mention in our review of past year. The Little Armenia’s annual April 24th march for recognition and remembrance of the Armenian genocide has stood as the culmination of the yearnings of the Armenian people as well as their greatest show of unity outside Armenia. As a part of our human rights campaign, our members with the help of our great sponsors were able to shed light not only to the Armenian Genocide, but also to the brutal massacres of hundreds of Armenian men, women and children in Sumgait, Azerbaijan which took place at the dissolution of the Soviet Union in February of 1988. As the crown jewel of our year around programs, our free Armenian language, history, and culture classes on a weekly basis provide an opportunity for over 60 of the community’s children to learn about their heritage and speak their mother tongue. Also in 2010, with the support of the community and assistance of friends of UYA, on the night of April 23rd, the Organization put together the first major outdoor Armenian Genocide commemoration event in the City of Glendale which attracted thousands and thousands of participants.
In addition to our regular programs, this year we were fortunate enough to have launched a successful coat drive campaign which aimed at providing warm clothing for the needy population of Armenia. This success was a fruit of the close cooperation between Unified Young Armenians (UYA) and United Shipping Group, which was yet another testament to the immense potential of the Armenian community. This partnership proved that as in the past, where the Armenian business class and its youth and intellectuals stand side by side, amazing results can be achieved. We were honored to have among many guests of the event, the Los Angeles City Council member Paul Krikorian, Glendale City Council member Laura Friedman, and Glendale Unified School District Board of Education member Nayiri Nahabedian.
After years of planning, in 2011 UYA will introduce new programs aimed at expanding its educational activities, broadening its local volunteer programs, and extending its reach globally.
But this could not have been done without those people who genuinely believed in the power of the young and educated Armenians. Because of their trust, we were even further empowered to keep on fighting for those ideals which we hold so dear. Because of their participation and support, UYA has been in the frontlines of the Armenian Cause. From shedding light to the evils of Genocide, child soldiers, molestation and abuse around the world, to having the chance to raise the people’s concerns regarding geopolitical developments in various forums, we had the great fortune to serve our community and more. It is those people who we serve that make this volunteer work an immensely worthwhile and gratifying experience. As a result, we are extremely humbled.
Our sponsors played a crucial role our story of success. We thank them for putting their money where their mouths are. Every amount and every donation pushed us ahead a little further. It was their monetary investment in the next generation of the Armenian activists which will ensure that the Armenian culture will not be lost with the passage of the current generation, that the next generation will have the necessary tools to continue its professional and personal growth, and last but not least, that the rights of the Armenian people will be protected.
Most importantly, we must thank the pillars of Unified Young Armenians, our members. As a result of their selfless work and dedication, our community can proudly claim to have a socially responsible, politically active, and ideologically independent new generation. Many of them have made, and continue making numerous personal sacrifices for the collective good. It is the collective which they aim to strengthen. Fighting side to side with the generations before us, and doing so on an equal footing, I am confident that our members have reinvigorated the hope in a brighter Armenian future among many. I am proud of every single one of them, for if they did not make such sacrifices, no one else would have. Last but certainly not least, I will make a great mistake if I forgot the parents and loved ones of our members who also deserve an equal, if not a greater showing of gratitude for they also have forgone many family hours, trips, and even holidays because of the conscious decision made by our members to serve the collective.
These individuals are the ones who make UYA what it is today. As you can tell, and contrary to the popular myth, there is neither a secret organization nor a wealthy donor behind UYA. The concept is clear: Young, dedicated, and independent Armenians who believe in a set of ideals and are willing to fight to reach them; and a community which has believed in its youth and has passed on to them a sacred torch to carry. As the past decade, while we continue to work with many organizations which pursue similar or same goals and ideals as we hold, we will continue to remain completely independent. The goals we pursue are clear and mirror the Armenian national interests and are most wholly compatible with the interests of our adopted homelands. Our decisions, as they have been before, have not, and will not be dictated to us by others. They will only be made based on the best judgment of the young Armenians and we will remain responsible exclusively to our people.
We are humbled and grateful.
Once again, we wish you a happy new year.
Aroutin Hartounian
Unified Young Armenians (UYA)
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