Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Press Release Re: April 24, 2010 March in Little Armenia Organized by Unified Young Armenians (UYA)

For Immediate Release ~ 2010-05-30
For Further Information Contact Aroutin Hartounian ~ Tel. 818.971.5065

On the 95th year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, on April 24, 2010, the Armenian community of the southern California, and the Armenians worldwide witnessed the greatest show of real unity in Little Armenia, Hollywood. Tens of thousands of Armenians and non-Armenians, united in spirit of truth and historical justice, marched and screamed in such a loud voice that even the deafest World leaders would have heard us.

This year as well as the past years, regardless of centuries old differences within the political establishment, the more recent divides based on the Armenian-Turkish protocols and politics of the homeland, and even more importantly, the fierce political campaigns in the community, the march brought together the community under one single banner: As Armenians demanding the leaders of the World to have the courage to call the events of 1915 to 1923 a Genocide.

From the Archbishops representing the two Armenian Sees to the candidates from the 43rd California Assembly race, from the members and supporters of the Armenian National Congress (the political opposition in Armenia) to the Armenian Consul General in Los Angeles, from the supporters of the protocols, to those who rightly opposed it, everyone was there. Regardless of their socio-political belongings, Armenians coming from every corner of the World, found it to be their national duty to take part in the march in Little Armenia.

This success is owed to the moral and financial support, and more importantly to the participation of the members of the Armenian community who have believed in Unified Young Armenians (UYA) and the mission which it pursues. The community must feel proud that it is the driving force behind this decade old independent force which dares to head-on tackle the numerous and colossal problems of our Nation. Through their support and participation, the community has given us the mandate to continue to remain independent and to continue organize the most populous Armenian Genocide commemoration event in the history of the Diaspora. It is with such a mandate which we continue our work. It is with this mandate which UYA aims to see beyond the disappointing and artificial divisions within the community. It is with this mandate which we will seek to remedy such divisions. It is this mandate that allows us to unify the community on every April 24th and beyond.

While the mission is noble and the challenges numerous, from time to time, we are stunned by the pitiful and contemptible political maneuvers of the establishment, who under the veil of national unity and national cause, take every opportunity imaginable to overtly question Unified Young Armenians, our mission, and our ideals. One such unfortunate and pitiful maneuver took place on April 24th, the day on which we mourned the death of over 1.5 million of our forefathers. On April 24th, in Little Armenia, from the stage and the podium which was entrusted to them by Unified Young Armenians (UYA), in front of tens of thousands of people, the establishment found it wise to question the wisdom of the UYA in recognizing the need for unity; the very ideal which we have dedicated ourselves, our programs, and our events, of which the April 24th march, has become the symbol of a united community for the last ten years.

Since 2001, UYA has done everything possible in its power to end the divides and further the cause of unity. And in this matter, rather than making empty public overtures, we took practical steps. At the April 24th marches, and in various events, UYA has hosted speakers such as George Abelian, Harout Sassounian, Harut Ter-Davtian, Hovanness Balaian, Stepan Hovagimian, and many others. Just last year, for the April 24th event, we extended an invitation to the three traditional political parties. We participated in telethons aiming at helping the orphan children in Armenia, providing funding for surgeries of Artsakh war veterans, or saving Armenian newspapers from closure. Our history is clear. So is our conscious.

But neither a clear history and conscious, nor the selfless work of over a decade, prevented the establishment from using the stage entrusted to them by UYA, to attack us; and do so on April 24th. No doubt, as experience has proved it to be true, the community will once again have the wisdom to see through such political maneuvers. Those institutions that will condone such a move will also be judged accordingly by a vigilant and attentive Armenian community.

Unified Young Armenians (UYA) will continue to remain true to its ideals. We will continue to remain fully independent regardless of pressures, attacks, or political maneuvers. Our loyalty has always been, and will continue to remain with our cause, and we will only answer and be responsible to our people. No organization, political party, committee, or individual will dictate the moves of Unified Young Armenians. This has been true for the last decade and will continue to remain such.

For the sake of the past, and sake of the future, regardless of the pitiful and unsound criticism which from time to time comes our way, we still continue to believe in good faith dealing, cooperation, mutual respect, and unity. It is based on these ideals, that we will continue working towards a unified community. We will continue our work for the sake of the unjust past imposed upon our people, and for the sake of a more unified and brighter future which still awaits us.

Executive Committee,

Unified Young Armenians (UYA)

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